Risorse e Materiali Didattici Gratuiti

Guide, lesson plan e materiali didattici propedeutici alla preparazione degli esami di Lingua Inglese e di Musica Trinity

Prepara i tuoi studenti agli esami Trinity

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Presentazioni e attività didattiche per i tuoi studenti pronte da usare in classe o online

Trinity & Promoting Continuity

Categoria della risorsaHai partecipato a un workshop?

Risorse e materiali didattici riservati ai partecipanti del Corso online "Shaping Continuity in Language Learning"

Learning to use digital tools

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Materiali didattici per familiarizzare con gli strumenti digitali

Materiali del corso sulla Metodologia CLIL

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Dispense e materiali riservati ai partecipanti del corso sulla Metodologia CLIL.

Road to Music Performance

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Materiali didattici riservati ai partecipanti al seminario "Road to Music Performance" - Da Ottobre a Marzo 2025

ISE Support Materials

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

A study pack for skill development that offers 50 engaging activities designed to enhance learning over 30 teaching hours and also offers tips for students to maintain well-being and focus on their ex...

Trinity ISE - Interactive exam tasks

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Try out a digital version of an exam task and get instant feedback to see how you are progressing!

SDG lesson ideas

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Ready-to-use Lesson Plans to promote the use of the Sustainable Development Goals in learning so that students can contribute to a better future for all. From citizenship and justice to climate cha...

Lessons to develop 21st century skills

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Century Skills: Ready-to-use Lesson Plans on the 21st Century Skills with a focus on elements of (The 4 C’s) - collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity, via technological, han...

Lesson ideas for the mixed ability classroom

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Ready-to-use inclusive lesson plans for the mixed ability classroom. Support your weaker students and offer extension activities for your stronger students whilst using the same materials as the sta...

Classroom management

Categoria della risorsaMateriali riservati alle sedi Trinity

Downloadable worksheets related to the Classroom Management webinars that are  aimed at focusing on ways to effectively manage the classroom and how this can have a positive impact both on studen...